Monday, September 23, 2013

This week...

I suck at blogging. And also following through on promises of productivity posted on my blog (ie: you know that last post where I pledged to tackle several domestic projects over the course of one week... such silly dream I have!). To tide my conscience over, here's a quick update about random things:

Reading the newest Dan Brown book. Jeff's grandma got it for me for my birthday and I'm about 1/3 of the way through. I never devote enough time to reading and that makes me bummed out.

Writing grant proposals till my eyeballs bulge out of my face and my ears begin to bleed. At least that's what it feels like ever since I started my new position. I've got 2 letters of inquiry, 2 "update" letters, and a massive "surprise" TCG application (which doesn't have any boilerplate narratives pre-written in our files to draw from) all due within the next week. On top of my other duties (only 50% of my job is supposed to be grantwriting... supposed to be).

Eating all the bad-for-me-things and not enough of the good-for-me-things.

Listening to the ending credits music from Angus (1995).

Thinking about how much I hate the new East Ave Wegmans. I'm sorry, I've tried but I just can't seem to get on board. I don't know what it is about it, but it feels like a cold, suburban factory to me. And every time I'm there, that goddamn rooster won't stop crowing. It's enough to drive a girl to shop at TOPS!

Wishing I had enough dollars that I could pay all my bills, purchase my flight to Florida for our Disney trip in February, and get at least one real suit for work without worrying about completely draining my bank account.

Hoping that we can buy a house this Spring. I just want a home that I can do projects in. Like refinishing wood floors and cabinets and things and painting walls and trim and things and then everyone can come to our house and I can brag about how awesome and butch I am.

Wearing pjs and a towel turban. Tres chic.

Loving chocolate. I needs it. I wants it.

Feeling terrible sharp shooting pains down my spine in my lower back / upper butt ever since yesterday afternoon. It makes sitting (which I do most of the day) terribly uncomfortable. I'm OVER IT, back.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Operation: Productivity Pants

I've been feeling rather poorly for the last week or so, so I elected to stay home from work today. This allowed me to get some much needed extra Zs and gave me the opportunity to quietly take care of a few things around the house that had been weighing on me a little bit and adding to my stress level. By the time Jeff got home at 5:30pm, the house was pretty damn spotless, all our remaining wedding gifts had been incorporated into our decor (yes, I'm that shitty bride that - 2 months after the wedding - still had a stack of unwrapped gifts sitting in their unopened boxes in the corner of the dining room, waiting to be broken in), 2 loads of laundry had been completed, the crappy old table that up until now held Jeff's record player was switched out for the beautiful antique table Jeff got me for my birthday, frames that had been sitting propped up against the side of our couch for months were finally hung on the wall or made into attractive vignettes on bookcases, and a homemade meal was prepared and ready for the eatin' (homemade chicken noodle soup in our new crockpot with a fresh loaf of garlic Tuscan bread, bitches). Sitting on the couch in such new-found loveliness felt awesome.

So awesome, in fact, that I've decided to declare war on the remaining long-neglected organization-related projects that I've been putting off (and that have, subsequently, built up in pockets all over the house). Each day after work next week, I shall battle one such area, and by the end of the week I shall have conquered them all! Mwahaha! I call this initiative Operation: Productivity Pants <cue Mission Impossible theme... aaaaaand... GO!>

Here's the battle plan, (wo)men...

SUNDAY: The walk-in closet off of the dining room. It's been a goddamn mess ever since we moved in last summer!
MONDAY: The storage baskets in the dining room bookcase. Right now, they're crammed with plastic bags from craft stores, which are filled with an odd assortment of wedding DIY supplies.
TUESDAY: The linen closet in the hallway. So many wayward nail polish bottles, random toiletries, bags of theatre makeup from shows I did years ago, tangled gobs of jewelry, and a mess of medicines. Need less shelves for junk, more shelves for actual linens.
WEDNESDAY: The junk drawer in the kitchen. Batteries, pens, markers, glue sticks, air fresheners, random-ass keys to lord knows what locks, and a whole bunch of weird things thrown in.
THURSDAY: No battle this day, for my nephew will be at my parents' and I must venture to Oswego to blow raspberries on him.
FRIDAY: The hutch cabinet. Wasted space as it currently holds 2 small boxes of Christmas ornaments, an Easter wreath, 3 pieces of scrapbook paper (I don't scrapbook...?), and a new (ie: shitty) version of The Game of Life that we bought at a drug store one night when we were overcome with the need to play it (fortunately, we got the real version as a wedding gift and now we can throw that shitty version off of a bridge somewhere).

You guys... if I can do this, I will be the most badass put-together-adult-person-with-all-my-shit-together EVER. I will win this war... as God as my witness...

(and maybe, if you are truly lucky, I will post before and after photos so you can see just how hard I beasted these chores*, yo)

*this has to be the lamest thing I've ever said on this blog.