Thursday, January 24, 2013

If I Were a Grown-up...

If I were a grown-up...

... I would wear snow boots to work and THEN change into my ballet flats instead of trudging through the snow in basically the equivalent of bare feet.

... I would have a tidy car instead of a hunk of salt-crusted green metal containing the world's largest collection of half-empty (frozen) water bottles, Dunkin' Donuts receipts, binders and stacks of loose papers, candy wrappers and stray bobby pins.

... I would fold the laundry as it came out of the dryer instead of squishing it all directly into a laundry basket and letting it sit there for so long that I forget whether the clothes are dirty or clean.

... I would pack a sensible lunch and bring it with me to work instead of spending all my money on soup and vending machine chips.

... I would put all electronic devices in their charging docks when not in use instead of scrambling to find or charge them when I actually need them.

... I would get up at a reasonable hour so I could look *put together* for work instead of refusing to leave the warmth of my bed until 20 minutes before I'm supposed to be at my desk.

... I would actually eat the leftovers instead of letting them sit in tupperware until long after they begin to resemble an unfortunate and toxic science experiment.

... I would have a gym bag with all the necessities pre-packed and placed in my back seat each morning instead of strewn/hidden all over the house in such a manner that consistently sabotages any glint of motivation to go work out.