Monday, August 5, 2013

If Money Weren't a Thing...

If money weren't a thing, I would quit my job and spend my days refinishing furniture (which I would then sell for shits and giggles and personal glory), teaching private lessons, and cooking amaaaaazing things...

I would scour Goodwills and thrift stores and pick up banged up wooden furniture and transform it into awesome pieces. Perhaps I would create an adorable workshop in our garage (because in this fantasy, we would be home-owners). While I sanded and restored the furniture, I would stream all my favorite shows- 30 Rock, Parks & Rec, Orange is the New Black...

Our home would be spotless and organized, and decorated like it was ripped from a Real Simple magazine. The closets and cabinets and drawers would have little dividers and sub-compartments. Our linen closet would feature stacks of perfectly folded, crisp white towels. White sheers would billow in the light breeze coming through the open windows (which are very large and allow ridiculous amounts of natural light).

We'd have a quaint little studio space off of the back of the house where we'd give private lessons to local kids. There would be an upright piano, a smattering of music stands (that may or may not have "Naz" spray painted on the back), a pair of cushy arm chairs, and some kind of message board where we could post helpful tips, reminders, performance and audition notices, and sing the praises of our glorious students who will all be super talented and amazing.

I would perfect all my favorite recipes (much like I have already perfected my chocolate chip cookie recipe... I seriously have... these babies are unbeatable). Our dinners would be thoughtful and interesting, and my repertoire of dishes would be extensive. My kitchen would always smell amazing, our fridge would be well-stocked, and the cookie jar would always be full.

I think this would be a lovely life, don't you?

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